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Ana Chávez
I am a New York City-based Product Designer with an innate curiosity and analytical mindset. I am passionate about navigating complexities to effect social change and empower others while strategically aligning with business objectives.
Real-Time Stock Tracker
How might we help users keep track of stocks in real-time?
Customize Financial Charts
How do you design an intuitive way for users to customize financial charts?
Webpage Redesign for Google Autos
How to redesign a Google search page using the universal framework to meet guidelines?
Redesigning the Google Discovery page.
How to include more financial features within the Google discovery page within a three-day sprint?
Curly Hair App
How might we design an app to help inform people on how to take care of their curly hair?
UX UI Certificate Project at Columbia University
Contact Me
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
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